Bull Run Restaurant
Wednesday & Thursday: 4PM - 9PM
Friday & Saturday: 4PM - 10PM
Sunday Dinner 2PM - 8PM
Holiday hours vary * Closed Sun. July 4
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Information Wheelchair patrons are most easily accommodated in the Sawtelle Room at designated table #21. Please enter through our front entrance on Route 2A for ramp access.

Doors open 2 hours prior to performance time to give patrons time to eat & drink. Full service cocktails & dinner are available right in the same room with your show. Your ticket confirmation is your dinner reservation.
Cocktails & dessert are available during the performance as well. Please advise your server of any allergies or accommodations in your diet.

Please be aware of scammers claiming to have tickets for sale. Only tickets purchased through Bull Run are valid.

By purchasing tickets at Bull Run, you agree to our ticket policy, ticket fees & terms of service. 


Wednesday through Sunday from 4pm
Saturday Lunch
11am - 3pm
Sunday Brunch:

10am - 2pm
Sunday Dinner:
2:30pm - 7:30pm

215 Great Rd., Rt. 2A
Shirley, MA 01464
Front Desk:  978-425-4311

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David Nail: A Campfire Christmas Tour

David Nail: A Campfire Christmas Tour


“As impressive as it is felt, Nail’s robust, resonant tenor just might be country’s most limber and soulful this side of Ronnie Dunn.” ~ The Washington Post

David Nail’s candor cuts like a laser through star-making propriety, a ritual of predictable answers to predictable questions, recited by artists averse to the controversy that truth can bring.

True, he is respected up and down and beyond Music Row. He’s written or co-written multiple hits. Critics laud his singing too: The late, revered Chuck Dauphin, for one, marveled at Nail’s ability to turn an “ordinary lyric and arrangement” into a “tour de force,” adding, “simply put… he is not one of us.”

So he’s got rock-solid credentials. And he earned them despite a refusal to present himself in a false light. His songs pull no punches in evoking the demons with which he has wrestled through much of his life. As Nail explains, it’s not so much an act of courage to write about depression and its effects. Rather, it is simply who he is; he says, in conversation and through music, what he must say.

In Nail’s own words, “My philosophy has always been, I just hope to have a good enough year that I can have a next year while staying as true to myself as I possibly can.”

Want to Meet & Greet David Nail?
Go to:

Opener: Jacob Toliver - American singer, songwriter, and pianist known for his energetic performances and genre-blending musical style. Tolliver first gained widespread recognition in the Las Vegas production of "Million Dollar Quartet," where his high-octane piano skills and dynamic stage presence made him a standout. His upcoming original work blends the raw energy of rock with contemporary influences, creating a sound that is both nostalgic and forward-thinking. Tolliver’s genre-meshing style incorporates elements of pop, country, and blues, pushing the boundaries of traditional rock. 


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