Bull Run Restaurant
Wednesday & Thursday: 4PM - 9PM
Friday & Saturday: 4PM - 10PM
Sunday Dinner 2PM - 8PM
Holiday hours vary * Closed Sun. July 4
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Information IMPORTANT! We honor ONLY those tickets purchased directly from Bull Run on this website. 

Wheelchair patrons are most easily accommodated in the Sawtelle Room at designated table #21. Please enter through our front entrance on Route 2A for ramp access.

Doors open 2 hours prior to performance time to give patrons time to eat & drink. Full service cocktails & dinner are available right in the same room with your show. Your ticket confirmation is your dinner reservation.
Cocktails & dessert are available during the performance as well. Please advise your server of any allergies or accommodations in your diet.

Please be aware of scammers claiming to have tickets for sale. Only tickets purchased through Bull Run are valid.

By purchasing tickets at Bull Run, you agree to our ticket policy, ticket fees & terms of service. 


Wednesday through Sunday from 4pm
Saturday Lunch
11am - 3pm
Sunday Brunch:

10am - 2pm
Sunday Dinner:
2:30pm - 7:30pm

215 Great Rd., Rt. 2A
Shirley, MA 01464
Front Desk:  978-425-4311

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The Busted Jug Band

The Busted Jug Band

"And the Doctor say, Give him Jug Band Music"
"It seems to make him feel just fine."

Played by men in top hats and derbies.
The Busted Jug Band's music is a festive romp through time featuring group vocals, swinging rhythms and novel instrumentation. Inspired by the street bands of the early 20th Century, the group features kazoos, washboard, mandolin, banjo-uke, washtub bass, harmonica, accordion, jug, rhythm bones, National guitar, slide whistle and bicycle horns. The group plays music of the classic black Jug Bands and String Bands of Memphis and Mississippi, and small Swing Bands and vocal groups of New Orleans and the Urban North. Country Blues, novelty songs, standards, early Jazz and Hillbilly music are some of the styles featured.

During the Jazz Age, musicians who couldn't afford trumpets, tubas and drums replaced them with homemade instruments, such as kazoo, washboard and jug. Thus the Jug Band sound, sometimes called “poor man's Jazz”, was born. This was revived in the 1960s with groups like Jim Kweskin's Jug Band. The Busted Jug Band pushes the Jug idiom beyond its historical confines. Homemade instruments are modified with modern techniques for maximum impact. Inspiration has come from the likes of Spike Jones & His City Slickers and Hoosier Hotshots. Vaudevillian sight gags, jokes and colorful stage attire round out the show and fun reigns supreme.

The Busted Jug Band are: Smiling Hernando (Pee Wee) Banjo-Uke, Ukulele, Slide Guitar, Mandolin, Banjolin, Kazumpet, Kazoophonium, Bulb Horn, Jaw Harp, Slide Whistle; Dr. Kayola o’la Guitars, Banjo-Ukulele, Squeeze Box, Field Organ, Kazombone, Vocals: Early Bird Harmonica, Guitar, Mandolin, Kazoo, Kazombone, Jug, Vocals; Rude Boy Wash’n’Speil, Bones, Corrugated Tie, Kazoo, Vocals; Lefty Boom-boom Boom Bass (Cadillac Of Washtubs) Kazoboe, Halusi.
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